Mr Stuart Hood, one of the Managing Partners at Park Hood, a Landscape Architect Practice in Belfast, Northern Ireland was kind enough to share his experiences during the recent network upgrades in his office during the spring of 2013.
What was your company’s need? Our Companies needs were to avail of a secure web-based Archive back up system which we are able to easily access should recovery of information be required.
Which characteristics do you look for in a supplier / partner? We seek flexibiity with our suppliers in terms of brief development and adaptation as the supplier/provider works through the details of a project. Rarely is any project completed as originally intended as unknown challenges are experienced throughout the course of the project development.
How did you plan the project / service with Precept IT? We met with Precept IT and explained our requirements and Precept very kindly were able to understand our needs and develop these into a more detailed brief with all associated costs from which we were able to focus and budget for our IT requirements going forward.
How did you work together to achieve an optimum result? We worked very well together throughout the project development with constant communication being the key. We corresponded through email with Precept who maintained a good ‘hands on’ approach by calling into our offices on a regular basis to ensure all was running smoothly.
What do you like about the outcome so far? We are happy that we have been provided with the outcome that we had hoped for at the start of the project and that our systems are much more improved from that prior to our engagement with Precept. Below is a little more information on Park Hood. You can contact Stuart and his colleagues via their website PRACTICE PROFILE Park Hood Ltd is one of the largest independent Chartered Landscape Architectural and Environmental Consultancies in the UK and Ireland. Our work often involves substantial collaboration with other disciplines and working as a team. The practise aims to challenge convention with designs that are unique and respond to the sense of place and specific client requirements. To assist with this design the Practice specialises in producing graphic information for planning purposes and client interest, but has continually won awards for the development and realisation of projects through to Construction and implementation on site. The Practice acknowledges there is an increasing requirement for the creation of high quality environments associated with all building and engineering projects and seeks to provide a Landscape Consultancy service which realises this potential for the client. The Practice was established in June 2000 with both founding personnel having gained considerable experience in all aspects of the Profession since 1987. Experience has been gained internationally in Portugal, France, Belgium, the Middle East and the U.K. The office has expanded to 23 fulltime personnel, including administration staff and therefore has the capacity to react to tight deadlines as required. Stuart Hood and Jonathan Park have been fully Chartered Landscape Architects since 1991 and 1997 respectively and have both been involved within large multi-disciplinary Practices in England and Northern Ireland. This involvement has exposed both individuals not only to a broad range of project types but also various professional disciplines related to the Construction business. Experience has been gained within the Urban design at city wide scale, Commercial Masterplanning, Residential Masterplanning, Health &Leisure, Environmental Improvement and Public Amenity Sectors. With offices in both Athlone and Belfast our current workload extends to Ireland, The UK, Eastern Europe, Prague, Poland, Romania and more recently Brazil and Turkey. The office is fully operational with digital CAD drawing software products including specialist 3-D modelling software and graphics packages. The Practice has a strong ethos towards developing a computer-assisted service and has an annual programme for investing in this area of technology. Park Hood also specialises in 3D computer modelling and graphic visualisation for high quality presentation of individual schemes. Park Hood Ltd are registered with The Landscape Institute, The Irish Landscape Institute and Construction Line, UK