Microsoft NCE | Precept IT

Microsoft NCE

Dear Valued Precept Customer

This month, some changes are being made by Microsoft with respect to their billing arrangements for Microsoft 365 services.  They are calling this their  New Customer Experience (NCE)

We are bringing this to your attention now because we supply these services from Microsoft to you.

The PDF highlights the key changes. Please read this very carefully.  If you have any queries, please send these by email to with the subject line NCE

To maintain the existing prices and avoid the price rises from Microsoft coming in on 1st March 2022, Precept intend to convert all your existing and any new Microsoft 365 licenses requested into a 12 month commitment to Microsoft before 1st March 2022 based upon the current numbers of licenses at that time.  This will continue to be paid monthly.

If you wish to avail of monthly contracts, please be aware that Microsoft is increasing the prices as outlined in the PDF and the updated costs will be applied to your account with Precept.  

What do I need to do?

Please read the information below and complete the short form before 14th February 2022 to confirm your preference.

  Information on Microsoft New Customer Experience